Our Enduring Response to the Novel Coronavirus
Argus continues to monitor the COVID-19 global pandemic and do our part to protect our employees and communities while maintaining continuity of service to our clients. Our firm remains operational and your fuel is still our focus.
Here is what we’re doing to keep our projects on schedule while protecting the health and safety of our employees.
- Operating in a remote work environment: Our engineers and fuels professionals are working remotely and continuing to provide expert client service. They are equipped with the technology they need to do their jobs well, including secure video conferencing capabilities and file sharing services.
- Providing a single source of truth: We have regular weekly video-conference updates and documented resources to provide our teams with the most up-to-date, fact-based COVID-19 resources.
- Following the CDC guidelines: Argus is following the recommendations from the CDC, particularly on business travel. Travel for onsite facility engineering needs is evaluated on a project-by-project basis.
Our number one company value is integrity. While these are challenging and disruptive days, integrity guides us to do the right thing. With that in mind, here is what we are doing to service our clients.
- Evaluating project schedules and identifying opportunities: Our project managers have analyzed workloads with each client and are providing scenarios to delay work as needed. We are adapting to our client priorities as they evolve.
- Offering flexible payment programs: The Argus team continues to seek ways to support our clients’ changing needs.
Many challenges have faced us since Argus Consulting was founded 26 years ago. Based on our experience, we know we’ll emerge through this pandemic stronger together. We are honored to be your trusted partner in fuels infrastructure engineering in the challenges of today and in the opportunities of tomorrow to keep the world moving.