JFK Bulk Fuel Farm Expansion

From programming and planning, to design and construction administration

Argus was retained by JFK Fuel Infrastructure, LLC, an airline consortium, to provide programming, planning, design, permitting, construction administration and resident representative services for the construction of two 80,000 BBL aboveground fuel storage tanks (ASTs) to supplement the capacity of JFK’s Bulk Fuel Storage Farm. This project implements the first phase of the airport’s Master Plan for the modernization of JFK’s aviation fuel system that replaces the 62 existing 500,000-gallon ASTs with 11-80,000 BBL tanks constructed to API-650.

Argus’ planning for this project improved upon the Master Plan by siting the tanks to permit the construction of additional tanks before the demolition of any existing tanks would be necessary thereby reducing construction risk while maintaining the contingency capacity of the tank farm.

The project included the installation of 293 piles per tank to support circular pile cap and ring wall foundations for the tanks to address soil conditions, the construction of the tanks and their associated steel containments, the relocation of tank farm service roads, a foam firefighting protection system to serve Tank # 1 and 2 as well as three additional future tanks, a state-of-the-art tank gauging and control system and storm water, containment water, firefighting deluge water, electrical power and communications infrastructure.