LGA Programing and Owners Rep
An exciting first step in the modernization of fuel delivery at LGA providing increased reliability and capacity.
Argus Consulting was retained for program management and owner’s representative services for the construction of a fuel transmission system to connect the existing tank farm and terminals currently under development by LaGuardia Gateway Partners (LGAP, Terminal B) and Delta (Terminal C). This project will construct a transfer pump station within the existing tank farm, upgrade the existing tank farm’s fuel infrastructure and route +/- 14,000 lft of duel transmission fuel lines and fiber communications duct bank across the land and air sides of the airport.
The tank farm project provides for the phased construction of a transfer pump station while maintaining the current refueler loading operation until the hydrant system is ready to begin service. Construction at the tank farm also includes upgrades to the existing control system, gauging system, tank suction and fill valves, and electrical power infrastructure. Additionally, the existing 7 outdated load racks will be replaced with 3 modern load racks to serve Terminal A and refuelers serving hardstands and RON parking positions.